Prayer Of The Rivers And The Land
Twin rivers of love and justice
flow from the source mountain.
They nourish the parched land.
They bring life to where it had given up hope.
Waters of life they are,
surely as the water we drink.
flow from the source mountain.
They nourish the parched land.
They bring life to where it had given up hope.
Waters of life they are,
surely as the water we drink.
Twin rivers of love and justice
travel over common ground.
They give shape to the ground between us.
They make the land.
This land is a good place to stand together,
in fair difference and shared purpose.
Twin rivers of love and justice
travel arm in arm, courses entwined.
They entwine in the valley below the source mountain,
as they carry us to the pacific sea.
Twin rivers of love and justice –
May you bring life to our dry hearts.
May we be ready to receive your waters,
and not turn away from your courses.
May we be ready to drink deep from your waters of life.
Twin rivers of love and justice
bring us strength and resolve,
carry us in your ease.
January 2016 North Andover, Mass.
Copyright by Mark Bohrer
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